Silver Package: 4 to 8 months of writing coaching, editing, design & layout, marketing and support in four phases:

1st phase: writing coaching with our editor

- 45min preparatory talk (online)
- 2x 60min individual consultation (online)
- workbook for manuscript preparation

Goals of the writing coaching:

- Mit dem „roten Faden“ durch das Buchprojekt
- Passgenaue Zielgruppenansprache
- Genre & Schreibstil
- Vom Inhaltsverzeichnis zu den einzelnen Kapiteln zum perfekten Manuskript

2nd phase: Editing

- Professional editing
- Consultations and proofreading loops

3rd phase: Cover design and layout by our designer

- Professional cover design with 3 correction loops (4/4 colour)
- Fitted back cover
- Layout of the book for eBook & paperback: typesetting, design and font, font size (in exact coordination)

4th phase: Visibility & marketing by Matthias Knossalla

- Initial discussion on visibility and marketing goals
- Printing, shipping, invoicing & marketing by Amazon (all from one source)
- Own ISBN number for ebook & paperback
- Own author page on Amazon
- Listing of the book in appropriate categories after consultation
- Description and listing of the book in the Amazon KDP programme
- On request: listing in Amazon's Kindle direct programme
- Creation of a seller account with Amazon
- Listing of the book in the VLB (=> ordering possible via any bookshop)
- Listing in the directory of the National Library

The Gold Package includes all the services of the Silver Package plus:

Creation of an additional hardcover book with:

- Own ISBN number
- Adapted cover, typesetting and layout (mandatory)
- transmission and print approval/control to the printer
- creation of a Seller Central account at Amazon
- Submission of the hardcover to the Amazon author page
- Shipping and invoicing handled by Amazon
- Detailed book description for Amazon after consultation

Buch Boost your Business von Susanne und Matthias Knossalla


Being your own boss, stirring up the corporate world and storming the top of the economy with your own idea. Isn’t it a beautiful thought to conquer the masses with your own product or service?

Are you wondering how to make the leap into self-employment or how to take your fledgling business to the next level? You think you have to learn everything on your own to build a successful business? Wrong! Every entrepreneur needs mentors and role models and you will find the best tips and tricks from 15 of them bundled here at a glance.